Guess who is DONE with her undergraduate career??

ashleybday 020


I could not be more excited! Today was my big presentation for the capstone course for my major – advertising campaigns. I was not personally presenting, but the members of my group that did were fantastic. I am so proud of my team, and loved seeing all of our hard work and late nights pay off!

I had to wake up at 7:30 this morning in order to get to our presentation in time, so a light and quick breakfast was needed!

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An apple and peanut butter plus some of my cupcake coffee to wake me up was the perfect combo!

I had class this afternoon, and turned in my final case brief! Now I’m catching my breath for a second before heading out to BallyHoo, which is the restaurant that our advertising client is taking our entire class to to celebrate the end of campaigns! We also find out who “won” so you better believe I’m excited for that! Until later…

xoxo! Smile

11 Responses

  1. Congrats!!! So exciting 🙂

  2. congrats! i miss undergrad so much! have fun celebrating. and cupcake coffee?! yum-o!

  3. congrats! that is all so exciting.. i’m so happy for you 🙂 enjoy it!


  5. Congrats! What an accomplishment 🙂 HAVE SOME FUN!!!

    On a WAYYYY less important note, that cupcake coffee just sounds delightful!

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